Monday Nov 11, 2019
Galatians - Week SEVEN: The Spirit Of Adoption
Monday Nov 11, 2019
Monday Nov 11, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture: Galatians 4:1-20
Welcome to Week Seven in our series out of the book of Galatians. As we enter into Chapter 4 the story gets more personal, deeper and closer to the heart.
You don’t need to prove yourself to God, He loves you. The Holy Spirit cries out on our behalf “Abba, Father”, leading us time and again to that one place, one declaration, one grounding and life changing point.
Thank you God!
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Galatians - Week SIX: Clothed And Covered
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture: Galatians 3:10-29
Welcome to Week Six in our series out of the book of Galatians. This letter was written to a group of churches that were being tempted to give in to a false gospel and to walk away from the true gospel.
The law shows all of us our sin and need and moves us to a Saviour. You will not be made right by any form of religion, spirituality, mindfulness, kindness, wealth, power, gender, race or family background.
The gospel is never about performance, only Promise!
Jesus is the promised one!
Sunday Oct 27, 2019
Galatians - Week FIVE: We Are Redeemed
Sunday Oct 27, 2019
Sunday Oct 27, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scriptures: Galatians 3:1-18
Sermon Description:
Welcome to Week Five in our series on the book of Galatians.
No amount of hard work, prayer, religious duty or hustle will help you grow and walk with Jesus. Jesus work alone, grace alone, faith alone. This is the gospel. Nothing needs to be added.
You can believe the right gospel, but still act like you believe the wrong one. Holy Spirit, come empower us to see Jesus, understand Jesus and to live like Jesus.
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Galatians - Week FOUR: Jesus Thought Of You
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scriptures: Galatians 2:11-21
Sermon Description:
Welcome to Week Four in our series on the book of Galatians!
As we have seen week in and week out, this letter was written to a group of churches that were being tempted to give in to a false gospel and to walk away from the true gospel.
The story picks up when Paul confronts Peter and Barnabus, who begin to let fear drive them and their theology right to hypocrisy and sin, even after learning from Jesus and teaching others about Him.
So what can we learn from this confrontation between Peter and Paul? Today, Christians disagree on lots of things as they study the bible and read the history of the church. Most of the time these discussions are in shades of grey instead of anything in black and white. But there are 3 times when this type of confrontation (Peter vs Paul) is needed: when you change the gospel, change the essentials of the faith and when you say sin is no longer sin!
As we listen in to learn more from Pastor Jon regarding this text, we continue to pray that the Holy Spirit would enlighten the truth of Scripture, strengthen us to hear and obey and keep the truth of the gospel at the centre of our lives.
Sunday Oct 13, 2019
Galatians - Week THREE: The Gospel Is For Everyone
Sunday Oct 13, 2019
Sunday Oct 13, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scriptures: Galatians 2:1-10
Sermon Description:
Welcome to Week Three in our series on the book of Galatians. It has been 14 years since the end of chapter one and the false teachers have made their way back to the birthplace of the movement, to Jerusalem itself. Paul returns to re-affirm that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the only one that saves and it is for everyone! There is no culture that is not touched by sin, the world and the devil, every ethnic background needs Jesus, and this is ultimately what completely unifies us.
Acts 2 is the call of the church, no matter what denomination, cultural expression or size. Teaching, community, communion, prayer, the presence of God, giving, loving the poor, large and small gatherings, baptism, and evangelism! We all cannot reach the same people, our style and size will attract some and not others, but that is God’s plan!
Let’s continue to lean in and listen to what God is speaking to us, no matter what community we are part of. We are better, together!
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Galatians - Week TWO: Because He Is Love
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scriptures: Galatians 1:11-23
Sermon Description:
Welcome to Week Two in our series on the book of Galatians. This week Pastor Jon discusses we, like Paul can use our story of transformation to share the gospel with those around us.
It is always grace alone, faith alone, in the work of Jesus alone that we are saved. God does not love you because you are moral, kind, religious or the opposite. God does not want you because you are rebellious or evil. He loves you and He calls you out of Love because He is Love.
Sunday Sep 29, 2019
Galatians - Week ONE: Jesus + Nothing = Everything
Sunday Sep 29, 2019
Sunday Sep 29, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scriptures: Galatians 1:1-10
Sermon Description:
Welcome to Week one in our series on the book of Galatians. Written so soon after the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, this book from the beginning helps build the case for the real historical resurrection.
Paul reminds us of the Grace (undeserved mercy) and Peace (shalom, restored relationship with God) that we received from God, in and through Jesus.
Only Jesus can be our true Saviour, the one who rescues us from our hopeless sinful state. But this Gospel message cannot be added to, or watered down. Jesus plus nothing is everything.
Join us as Pastor Jon dives deeper into this beautiful and challenging text.
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Fully Devoted: Share the Work
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture: John 13:1, Philippians 2:9, Luke 22:3, Ephesians 2:8
Sermon Description:
As we wrap up our series, Fully Devoted, Pastor Jon shares about some key aspects of the last two dimensions of our discipleship worldview, share the work and engage in mission.
Behind growing generosity, behind joyful gift based ministry there is something that is the spring that feeds all of this, it is one of the quintessential markers of Christianity. it is the spiritual discipline of service which every single follower of Jesus is called to.
The one ongoing action that Jesus shows us, from him leaving heaven, living, dying, and being raised is his servanthood. He serves us and the world. He chose to come and live among us, loving us and showing us the best way to live. He died for us, He overcame sin, death and the demonic for us, He rose for us and He gives us His spirit.
This is the generous, self-giving service of Jesus and is the foundation, frame-work and grounding for how we serve one another and the church.
Series: Fully Devoted
Series Description:
Everyone at Sanctus Church is on a spiritual journey, whether it’s your first Sunday or you’ve followed Jesus for years. There can be great highs, and challenging lows in our life of faith. But what does a fully devoted follower of Jesus really look like? How can we make decisions this year to grow? Together we Celebrate Big. Connect Small. Walk with Jesus. Share the Work. Engage in Mission. We’re ALL in this together. All for the glory of God.
Sunday Sep 15, 2019
Fully Devoted: Discipleship
Sunday Sep 15, 2019
Sunday Sep 15, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture: Romans 1:16, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 1 Corinthians 12:11
Sermon Description:
This morning Pastor Jon takes through our annual “check-up”, taking a moment to unpack what it really means what we say “fully devoted followers of Jesus."
Throughout this sermon we explore the importance of spiritual disciplines, spiritual gifts, guaranteed places of encounter and more, in the life of a believer.
Our 5 discipleship dimensions were created as a way for our community to genuinely measure where they feel they are at in their discipleship journey and areas for growth.
Series: Fully Devoted
Series Description:
Everyone at Sanctus Church is on a spiritual journey, whether it’s your first Sunday or you’ve followed Jesus for years. There can be great highs, and challenging lows in our life of faith. But what does a fully devoted follower of Jesus really look like? How can we make decisions this year to grow? Together we Celebrate Big. Connect Small. Walk with Jesus. Share the Work. Engage in Mission. We’re ALL in this together. All for the glory of God.
Sunday Sep 08, 2019
Fully Devoted: Alpha Sunday
Sunday Sep 08, 2019
Sunday Sep 08, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture: Matthew 28:19-20, Romans 1:16, John 3:16
Sermon Description:
As we launch into another ministry year here at Sanctus Church, we are getting back to our foundations. This series, Fully Devoted, is all about equipping each of us in our own discipleship journey as followers of Jesus. This week, Pastor Jon will be discussing one of our 5 discipleship dimensions, Engage in Mission.
In a landscape that is post Christian, post modern and post social, one way we can engage in mission is to take the gospel, the good news of Jesus, to our families, workplaces and neighbourhoods. The ALPHA program has become incredibly helpful to Christians as a way to share the gospel clearly and facilitate healthy conversations about God and faith.
Hundreds of churches across Canada, including our own, will be launching the Alpha program in a few weeks. Join us in praying for these ministries, but also consider who you could invite and journey with through this incredible ministry.
Series: Fully Devoted
Series Description:
Everyone at Sanctus Church is on a spiritual journey, whether it’s your first Sunday or you’ve followed Jesus for years. There can be great highs, and challenging lows in our life of faith. But what does a fully devoted follower of Jesus really look like? How can we make decisions this year to grow? Together we Celebrate Big. Connect Small. Walk with Jesus. Share the Work. Engage in Mission. We’re ALL in this together. All for the glory of God.
Sunday Sep 01, 2019
Plan Two: Name Change
Sunday Sep 01, 2019
Sunday Sep 01, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 13:14, Matthew 28:19, Isaiah 6:1, 1 Corinthians 1:2, 2 Chronicles 5, Zechariah 8
Sermon Description:
As a church community that began in the 1970s, one of the things that has always defined us is a desire to change, grow, and adapt to our surroundings and changing needs. On June 2nd we revealed Plan 2, our Strategic Plan for the next 5 years, and with that came a real prompting that we needed to change our name for the next chapters of our church.
As we prayerfully sought the Lord in the past few months, it became very clear to our leadership team that God’s hand was in this. It was clear to us, by the Holy Spirit, that our new name needed to include who God is, how He sees us, and where He is calling us.
We are so thrilled to announcing the new name of our church, listen in to learn more about what it means for each of us!
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Week Eight: Jesus is the TRUE VINE
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture: John 15:5
Sermon Description:
Welcome to week eight in our series of the “I am” statements of Jesus. This week, Pastor Jon is wrapping up our series discussing Jesus’ statement “I am the true vine”.
Jesus used the reference of a vine to not only reaffirm that He is God, but also that He is the better Israel. He is the one each person must connect to, to be part of God’s people. Just like how a gardener would tend to the vines growing in their vineyard, he lifts us up and cleans/prunes us.
With our society facing an increasing epidemic of loneliness and disconnect this verse gives us so much hope about what Jesus is pursuing. It’s all about relationship as we are Jesus’ limbs, made to bear His fruit and share in His life. Jesus as the wine is the antidote to loneliness, the same yesterday, today and forever.
Series: Jesus is
Series Description:
This summer we are going to walk through 9 amazing “I am” statements and visuals given by Jesus. Each one helps us understand the fullness of what Jesus claimed about Himself and prompts us to answer, “Who do you say that Jesus is?”
Sunday Aug 18, 2019
Week Seven: Jesus is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE
Sunday Aug 18, 2019
Sunday Aug 18, 2019
Speaker: Ben Hilson
Scripture: John 14:6
Sermon Description:
Welcome to week seven in our series on the I AM statements of Jesus. This week Pastor Ben is sharing about the radical inclusivity of Jesus’ statement in John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth and the life.” In a world that encourages everyone to find their own way, Jesus’ audacious claim leaves many uncomfortable. But who else can show us to God, but God. God is the only one that can lead us to Himself and He demonstrates who He is through Jesus.
Jesus makes a way through His death and resurrection, taking the sins of the world upon Himself and He makes a way, by being the way. And that is why the Gospel is so scandalous. Because at the root of it is the idea of grace, and it’s extended to everyone.
Series: Jesus is
Series Description:
This summer we are going to walk through 9 amazing “I am” statements and visuals given by Jesus. Each one helps us understand the fullness of what Jesus claimed about Himself and prompts us to answer, “Who do you say that Jesus is?”
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Week Six: Jesus is the RESURRECTION and THE LIFE
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Speaker: Angela Mason
Scripture: John 11:25-26
Sermon Description:
Welcome to week six in our series on the I AM statements of Jesus. When Jesus says in John 11:25, “I am the Resurrection and the Life” He was adding something so significant to what the Jewish people believed about their hope of being resurrected after death.
Against all odds, the irreversible will be reversed. Jesus has the power to give eternal life but as if that isn’t enough, He says whoever lives in me, will be spiritually awakened and no longer live as if they are spiritually dead.
Transformed living in the now; a new creation. Life that’s isn’t in bondage to addiction. Life that can be free from fear. Life full of purpose. We don’t have to wait for abundant life. This resurrection is found in a person: Jesus.
Series: Jesus is
Series Description:
This summer we are going to walk through 9 amazing “I am” statements and visuals given by Jesus. Each one helps us understand the fullness of what Jesus claimed about Himself and prompts us to answer, “Who do you say that Jesus is?”
Sunday Aug 04, 2019
Week Five: Jesus is the GOOD SHEPHERD
Sunday Aug 04, 2019
Sunday Aug 04, 2019
Speaker: Ben Hilson
Scripture: John 10:11
Sermon Description:
Welcome to week five in our series on the I AM statements of Jesus. This week we are diving into Jesus as the Good Shepherd. As Pastor Ben shares, Jesus is not just good in our understanding of the word…but is actually the True, Authentic Shepherd that would lay down His life for His sheep. Jesus, knowing that like sheep we are helpless in dealing with our sin, comes to do it for us. When we choose to repent of our sins and embrace the love our Good Shepherd offers us, we experience REAL freedom in a loving relationship with Jesus Christ.
Series: Jesus is
Series Description:
This summer we are going to walk through 9 amazing “I am” statements and visuals given by Jesus. Each one helps us understand the fullness of what Jesus claimed about Himself and prompts us to answer, “Who do you say that Jesus is?”
Sunday Jul 28, 2019
Week Four: Jesus is the GATE/DOOR
Sunday Jul 28, 2019
Sunday Jul 28, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture: John 10:9
Sermon Description:
Welcome to week four in our series on the I AM statements of Jesus.
With more and more doubts and questions arising about this man who claims to be God, Jesus continues into what would be His last public address.
Sheep, a very common animal of the day, were noticeably limited in their intelligence and ability to stay the path. Jesus boldly states that we are like sheep, who have gone astray.
Because sheep are so susceptible to attack and wandering, most homes had a pen built and often had a hired gatekeeper to protect he one way in and out. Any other attempt to enter the pen without going through the gate Jesus calls “a thief and a robber”.
Jesus is not claiming to be the gatekeeper, but rather the gate. He is the door. He is the ultimate protector and provider for all the sheep. There is only one way to eternal life and His name is Jesus.
Series: Jesus is
Series Description:
This summer we are going to walk through 9 amazing “I am” statements and visuals given by Jesus. Each one helps us understand the fullness of what Jesus claimed about Himself and prompts us to answer, “Who do you say that Jesus is?”
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Week Three: Jesus is the LIGHT OF THE WORLD
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture: John 8:12
Sermon Description:
Welcome to Week Three in our series on the I AM statements of Jesus.
In John 8, right on the temple grounds, at the heart of the Jewish faith, Jesus himself states, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” This claim is shocking, not only to those in his midst as he said it, but for us today as well. Jesus says that they only way not to walk in darkness is to follow Him. And if we don’t? So much is at stake!
Jesus is the only one strong enough, pure enough, enlightening enough and powerful enough to show us our darkness, break our darkness, free us from our darkness and to change us to know what darkness and light even are! Jesus is the only light for the whole world, and if you walk in Him you will not be in darkness any longer.
Series: Jesus is
Series Description:
This summer we are going to walk through 9 amazing “I am” statements and visuals given by Jesus. Each one helps us understand the fullness of what Jesus claimed about Himself and prompts us to answer, “Who do you say that Jesus is?”
Sunday Jul 14, 2019
Week Two: Jesus is the BREAD OF LIFE
Sunday Jul 14, 2019
Sunday Jul 14, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture: John 6:35
Sermon Description:
Welcome to week two in our series on the I AM statements of Jesus.
God knows that we all long for eternity and the things that are eternal. This is one of the reasons that Jesus came to His day, and our day; to reveal how defective our view of life, existence, things and eternity really are and to FREE us from it.
Jesus comes to give food from heaven, He comes to reveal who He is and what He has to give, both in endless supply!
This is why Jesus calls himself the bread of life!
Series: Jesus is
Series Description:
This summer we are going to walk through 9 amazing “I am” statements and visuals given by Jesus. Each one helps us understand the fullness of what Jesus claimed about Himself and prompts us to answer, “Who do you say that Jesus is?”
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Week One: Jesus is the WORD
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture: John 1
Sermon Description:
Welcome to week one of our series on the I AM statements of Jesus. This Sunday we are discussing Jesus, the WORD. Before time, space and matter; in the beginning and at the root of the universe was the Word. As we are about to see, Jesus was the Word at the beginning, but also took on flesh and made His dwelling among us.
Listen in as Pastor Jon shares how this audacious and life-changing statement by Jesus.
Series Description:
This summer we are going to walk through 9 amazing “I am” statements and visuals given by Jesus. Each one helps us understand the fullness of what Jesus claimed about Himself and prompts us to answer, “Who do you say that Jesus is?”
Sunday Jun 30, 2019
Ten Commandments: Week EIGHT
Sunday Jun 30, 2019
Sunday Jun 30, 2019
Speaker: Dave Adams
Scripture: Exodus 20:17
Sermon Description:
This week we are finishing up our series on the Ten Commandments with the 10th commandment, ‘You shall not covet’. We will discuss what coveting look like in our day-today life, why it’s important for us to take it seriously and how breaking it will often leads to directly breaking many of the other commandments.
Listen in as Pastor Dave shares more about God’s antidote to coveting, practicing contentment in all areas of our life.
Series Description:
This series is on the 10 Commandments. We are exploring - are they relevant, are they useful, how do they help us see God, how do they drive us to God’s mercy and can they become life-giving laws after you have met Jesus?
Sunday Jun 23, 2019
Ten Commandments: Week SEVEN
Sunday Jun 23, 2019
Sunday Jun 23, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture: Exodus 20:15-16
Sermon Description:
This week we are diving deeper into the 8th & 9th commandments on lying and stealing. While these commandments are easy for us to understand on the surface, Pastor Jon will be challenging us to take an honest look at our lives and the way we may be lying and stealing in our relationships, work environments and more.
Series Description:
This series is on the 10 Commandments. We are exploring - are they relevant, are they useful, how do they help us see God, how do they drive us to God’s mercy and can they become life-giving laws after you have met Jesus?
Sunday Jun 16, 2019
Ten Commandments: Week SIX
Sunday Jun 16, 2019
Sunday Jun 16, 2019
Speaker: Joel Penney
Scripture: Exodus 20:13-14
Sermon Description:
This week we tackle the 6th and 7th Commandments: do not murder, and do not commit adultery. These are heavy topics, so to address them we need to understand the true meaning of the Old Testament texts where these commandments are found, and then explore the implications for what they mean for daily life. In both cases, Jesus himself takes these commandments and expands upon them in the Sermon on the Mount. The bottom line: we are all more sinful than we could ever imagine, yet at the same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope (Tim Keller).
Series Description:
This series is on the 10 Commandments. We are exploring - are they relevant, are they useful, how do they help us see God, how do they drive us to God’s mercy and can they become life-giving laws after you have met Jesus?
Sunday Jun 09, 2019
Ten Commandments: Week FIVE
Sunday Jun 09, 2019
Sunday Jun 09, 2019
Speaker: Sunder Krishnan
Scripture: Exodus 20:12
Sermon Description:
Welcome to the 5th Commandment!
Series Description:
This series is on the 10 Commandments. We are exploring - are they relevant, are they useful, how do they help us see God, how do they drive us to God’s mercy and can they become life-giving laws after you have met Jesus?
Sunday Jun 02, 2019
Plan Two
Sunday Jun 02, 2019
Sunday Jun 02, 2019
Speakers: Jon Thompson & Dave Adams
Sermon Description:
Sunday May 26, 2019
Ten Commandments: Week FOUR
Sunday May 26, 2019
Sunday May 26, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture: Exodus 20:8
Sermon Description:
Welcome to the 4th Commandment, Sabbath keeping!
Series: 10 Commandments
Series Description:
This series is on the 10 Commandments. We are exploring - are they relevant, are they useful, how do they help us see God, how do they drive us to God’s mercy and can they become life-giving laws after you have met Jesus?
Sunday May 19, 2019
Ten Commandments: Week THREE
Sunday May 19, 2019
Sunday May 19, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture: Exodus 20:7
Sermon Description:
Welcome to Week 3. This week we look at the 3rd Commandment; ‘Do not take the Lord’s Name in vain.'
Though this command may seem to have an obvious application in our lives, it’s actually more pervasive than any of us may want to admit. It’s a helpful conversation for us to have so we can love God and love our neighbour better.
Series: 10 Commandments
Series Description:
This series is on the 10 Commandments. We are exploring - are they relevant, are they useful, how do they help us see God, how do they drive us to God’s mercy and can they become life-giving laws after you have met Jesus?
Sunday May 12, 2019
Ten Commandments: Week TWO
Sunday May 12, 2019
Sunday May 12, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture: Exodus 20:3-6
Sermon Description:
What is idolatry in 2019? Why does it matter? Does it effect my everyday life? We will also be discussing why freedom from idolatry can be one of the most life-giving gifts from God to all of us.
Series: 10 Commandments
Series Description:
This series is on the 10 Commandments. We are exploring - are they relevant, are they useful, how do they help us see God, how do they drive us to God’s mercy and can they become life-giving laws after you have met Jesus?
Sunday May 05, 2019
Ten Commandments: Week ONE
Sunday May 05, 2019
Sunday May 05, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture: Exodus 20:1-3
Sermon Description:
This is the introduction to the 10 Commandments. We will be exploring what they are, what they are not and how they will help all of us.
Series: 10 Commandments
Series Description:
This series is on the 10 Commandments. We are exploring - are they relevant, are they useful, how do they help us see God, how do they drive us to God’s mercy and can they become life-giving laws after you have met Jesus?
Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Easter 2019: Baptism Sunday
Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture: Matt 28; Mark 1:10; Acts 8:36-38; John 14:6; 1 Cor 6:11; Eph 1:13-14; Rom 6:1-5
Sermon Description:
Christian Baptism is a way of demonstrating your faith in Jesus Christ. It demonstrates a new identification with Jesus as your Saviour and the leader of your life. The symbol of water baptism is profound and beautiful. When a person is immersed in water, the action is an expression of the death to your former way of life, and a resurrection to your new life in Christ.
Simply going through the ritual of baptism does not make you a Christian. Only one thing makes a person a Christian - faith in Jesus Christ. Water baptism is simply the “outward and visible sign” of God’s "inward and invisible" work. It is a step of obedience after trusting in Christ.
Nor does the ritual of baptism produce instant spiritual maturity. Being baptized is a step of obedience, but only one step in a lifelong pursuit of obedience to God. Spiritual maturity is the gradual development of the character of Christ over time, the result of a seasoned walk with Christ.
Baptism reminds us all that sin no longer own us, since we share in Jesus resurrection power we can say no to sin. And it also publicly and personally reminds us that this great symbol says one day we all be physically risen from the dead!
Series: Easter 2019
Series Description:
All of us want purpose, all want meaning, all want peace in the end. Which of course is part of being human, part of the human experience. And this leads all of us today seeker and skeptics, believers and unbelievers to ask where can one find these identity giving moments. Can it last more than a moment or is it always fleeting? Some of us trust in wealth, many chase beauty and youth, others follow power. Most want promotion. Some demand likes and status. We clamour around certain movements, systems of thinking found in books and podcast or other people or ourselves to find purpose to escape it all. Politics, video games, sex, money, jobs, friendship, food, travel, religion, Netflix, spirituality, mindfulness, control, manipulation the list goes on and on.
And it is here in this ongoing search that 3 people in the story of Jesus just before his death bring so much of this home. One is the best expression of political power and self-reliance, another the best that family connections and religious power hold and the last is what rebellion and brut force can bring, a Pilate the Roman leader and there is Caiaphas the high priest, and Barabbas the insurrectionist. We enter the Easter moment just before Jesus is confronted by Pilate and the Barabbas
And as we look at each historical person the question to all of us if we truly allow this to happen will be who do you trust in, who do we do want, who can give us real purpose, peace and meaning, identity?
Sunday Apr 21, 2019
Easter: Sunday
Sunday Apr 21, 2019
Sunday Apr 21, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture: Matthew 27
Sermon Description:
Matthew 27:21 “Which of the two do you want me to release to you?” asked the governor.“Barabbas,” they answered. 22 “What shall I do, then, with Jesus who is called the Messiah?” Pilate asked. They all answered, “Crucify him!”
So it seems even Jesus with all his miracles, and love and kindness cannot overcome the world as it is even today. They held all the cards, this are the best 3 expressions of earthly power. Nothing changes again, religion wins, power wins, violence wins, injustice wins, Barabbas goes free, Pilate washes his hands, the Caiaphas keeps all things intact. Control, fear, intimidation, status quo at any cost So Jesus Barabbas is free and on his way, Caiaphas the religious leaders win, their greatest threat is dead! But fear based living makes them tie up all loose ends. Rome and Jerusalem get together one last time to end this religious, political, personal issue.
Well what happened? Well Matthew tells us just before the women arrive the best the institutional fear based religion could bring, the strongest political and military might, the worst back room scapegoating and injustice is thrown to the side like it was nothing. Heaven comes down into all we trust and hope for purpose, meaning identity, freedom and rest and breaks it, brushes it aside and opens up a new and living way.
So just when is seems that nothing will change, the powerful win, it is the most powerless, those that did not have access to anything money, power, backroom dealings it all gets swept aside by a greater more holy, more loving power.
What Saviour do you want? The answer, your response, is seen in which way you turn, will you be like the women running to find Jesus? Or will you be like the soldiers running back to the old forms of power and trust, running back to the world of Pilate, Barabbas and Caiaphas. Notice both were filled with fear but the end points are drastically different. Which news will you carry, to whom will you run. Most of us will run back with soldiers.
The resurrection of Jesus proves the body mattes, proves God is not done with you, proves our body will last forever. Your body has been stamped for resurrection, it is part of God’s plan and work to make all things right. We don't confess the immortality of the soul, we confess foreverness of the whole person, And so we cry out with all hope and confidence the old confession in the Apostles Creed that yes we believe in the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. Amen! you personally matter to God.
N.T.Wright simply wrote “The message of the resurrection is that this world matters!”
Series: Easter 2019
Series Description:
All of us want purpose, all want meaning, all want peace in the end. Which of course is part of being human, part of the human experience. And this leads all of us today seeker and skeptics, believers and unbelievers to ask where can one find these identity giving moments. Can it last more than a moment or is it always fleeting? Some of us trust in wealth, many chase beauty and youth, others follow power. Most want promotion. Some demand likes and status. We clamour around certain movements, systems of thinking found in books and podcast or other people or ourselves to find purpose to escape it all. Politics, video games, sex, money, jobs, friendship, food, travel, religion, Netflix, spirituality, mindfulness, control, manipulation the list goes on and on.
And it is here in this ongoing search that 3 people in the story of Jesus just before his death bring so much of this home. One is the best expression of political power and self-reliance, another the best that family connections and religious power hold and the last is what rebellion and brut force can bring, a Pilate the Roman leader and there is Caiaphas the high priest, and Barabbas the insurrectionist. We enter the Easter moment just before Jesus is confronted by Pilate and the Barabbas
And as we look at each historical person the question to all of us if we truly allow this to happen will be who do you trust in, who do we do want, who can give us real purpose, peace and meaning, identity?
Friday Apr 19, 2019
Easter: Good Friday
Friday Apr 19, 2019
Friday Apr 19, 2019
Speaker: Dave Adams
Scripture: Matthew 26
Sermon Description:
This Easter at C4 we’ve been asking the questions “Whom do you trust and whom do you follow?” Some trust in wealth. Some chase beauty. Some follow power. Some want promotion. Some demand likes. This Easter we’re saying,“GIVE US JESUS!”. On the night that Jesus was betrayed Matthew records the events this way. Matt 26:57 “Those who had arrested Jesus took him to Caiaphas the high priest, where the teachers of the law and the elders had assembled.” So what do we know about Caiaphas? Why is he so important to make it into the Bible. There are a lot of things we know about Caiaphas and understanding each of them is going to help shed light on exactly what is going on in this so-called trial of Jesus that eventually leads to his crucifixion.
Why was Caiaphas so bent on getting rid of Jesus? What was it about Jesus that rubbed Caiaphas the wrong way and drove him to such extremes to seek the death penalty, even through unusual and illegal methods?Remember Caiaphas is the High Priest and a Sadducee. He doesn’t like Jesus brand of spirituality. All this talk about heaven and the Kingdom of God. About love and forgiveness and prayer and fasting and giving - all with the right motives. I’m sure Caiaphas felt the threat to his religion when Jesus would address demons and cast them out of people. As a Sadducee Caiaphas didn’t even believe in the demonic, yet hundreds maybe more were telling of the freedom they’d found when Jesus spoke. There was a power & authority in Jesus that threatened everything Caiaphas believed, trusted in and stood for.
Here’s what Caiaphas helps us see on Good Friday 2019. It was true that night before Jesus went to the cross and it's true in this room right now. Jesus plus anything leaves you with nothing - that’s called religion. But Jesus plus nothing gives you everything - a faith based relationship.
Caiaphas has made his choice.
So what do we do when Jesus challenges us like he did Caiaphas? Do we want Jesus or Caiaphas? What will we do if Jesus threatens everything we hold valuable. Is he worth more than our power, our connections, our influence, our position, our good looks, our wealth, etc.
Can you honestly say today “Give me Jesus?”
Series: Easter 2019
Series Description:
All of us want purpose, all want meaning, all want peace in the end. Which of course is part of being human, part of the human experience. And this leads all of us today seeker and skeptics, believers and unbelievers to ask where can one find these identity giving moments. Can it last more than a moment or is it always fleeting? Some of us trust in wealth, many chase beauty and youth, others follow power. Most want promotion. Some demand likes and status. We clamour around certain movements, systems of thinking found in books and podcast or other people or ourselves to find purpose to escape it all. Politics, video games, sex, money, jobs, friendship, food, travel, religion, Netflix, spirituality, mindfulness, control, manipulation the list goes on and on.
And it is here in this ongoing search that 3 people in the story of Jesus just before his death bring so much of this home. One is the best expression of political power and self-reliance, another the best that family connections and religious power hold and the last is what rebellion and brut force can bring, a Pilate the Roman leader and there is Caiaphas the high priest, and Barabbas the insurrectionist. We enter the Easter moment just before Jesus is confronted by Pilate and the Barabbas
And as we look at each historical person the question to all of us if we truly allow this to happen will be who do you trust in, who do we do want, who can give us real purpose, peace and meaning, identity?
Sunday Apr 14, 2019
Easter 2019: Week One
Sunday Apr 14, 2019
Sunday Apr 14, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture: Mark 14:60-64; Matthew 27; Luke 23
Sermon Description:
Barabbas, a life of rebellion, a life of violence, a life of fighting the system, using violence to overcome violence, my life choices are justified because i am not as bad as the one I am fighting. You can become so consumed by a just cause, that you become eat you hate or the cause become where you think you find purpose, meaning, life and identity.
All three them if you got them in a room would say I am not those others, yet they all trying getting identity and purpose, all trying to deal the ups and downs of life by bringing all that they can. They all are motivated by
Fear, Self Sufficiency, intimidation, control to get purpose, meaning and peace even more a moment.
Yet Jesus never used any of these. And here is powerful moment in the story Jesus literally takes Barabbas' cross, he choose to take his place and Barabbas goes free, Jesus does not. Barabbas is unbound, Jesus remains bound, one Jesus dies so the other Jesus goes free.
And why would we every want to put our hope in Jesus and not anyone or anything else? Oh because he can give us what we all really want.
Jesus promises rest for the deepest part of us, but He requires us to take on His yoke. He offers to exchange the yoke we are already wearing for His yoke. If we won’t accept His offer, we will remain yoked to sin, lost dreams, broken relationships, dead religion, or lies. The lie that we are independent is just that, a lie. We always serve somebody or something. The choice for us isn’t whether to live unyoked or yoked but to choose the right yoke to wear. As R. T. France noted, “We should remember that the ‘rest’ Jesus offers is not relaxation of the demands of right… It is not the removal of any yoke but a new and ‘kind’ yoke which makes the burden ‘light’. A ‘yoke’ implies obedience, indeed often slavery! What makes the difference is what sort of master one is serving. So the beneficial effect of Jesus’ yoke derives from the character of the one who offers it.”6 Jesus promises purpose, meaning and peace in an ongoing permanent way.
Series: Easter 2019
Series Description:
All of us want purpose, all want meaning, all want peace in the end. Which of course is part of being human, part of the human experience. And this leads all of us today seeker and skeptics, believers and unbelievers to ask where can one find these identity giving moments. Can it last more than a moment or is it always fleeting? Some of us trust in wealth, many chase beauty and youth, others follow power. Most want promotion. Some demand likes and status. We clamour around certain movements, systems of thinking found in books and podcast or other people or ourselves to find purpose to escape it all. Politics, video games, sex, money, jobs, friendship, food, travel, religion, Netflix, spirituality, mindfulness, control, manipulation the list goes on and on.
And it is here in this ongoing search that 3 people in the story of Jesus just before his death bring so much of this home. One is the best expression of political power and self-reliance, another the best that family connections and religious power hold and the last is what rebellion and brut force can bring, a Pilate the Roman leader and there is Caiaphas the high priest, and Barabbas the insurrectionist. We enter the Easter moment just before Jesus is confronted by Pilate and the Barabbas
And as we look at each historical person the question to all of us if we truly allow this to happen will be who do you trust in, who do we do want, who can give us real purpose, peace and meaning, identity?
Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Spiritual Gifts: REVIVAL - Week 11
Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scriptures: Matthew 16:13-15, 17:1-5; Exodus 24:15-17; Exodus 40:34; 1 Kings 8:10; Ezekiel 1:4; Luke 2:9; Acts 2
Sermon Description:
As we conclude our series on the Spiritual Gifts we come to this final discussion on Disciplines, Gifts and Revival.
Is there a distinction between renewal, revival and awakening? Well at C4 here is how we use these 3 words.
RENEWAL: is when God touches the heart of a single individual.
REVIVAL is when God touches a community of faith on mass.
AWAKENING is when the wider society is impacted thought mass conversion and life change.
Disciplines are open to all Christians, they are normative. Spiritual gifts are also expected, normative but are sovereignly assigned. But what about other experiences that don't fall into either category, what do we do with revival? And how is the different and how does that change our expectations?
Revivals always include mass conversions of people to Jesus, and a true awakening takes place. But a common mistake many make is to pair the outworking or unusual manifestations of the Spirit during revival with the gifts that are always present in the daily Christian life. No, the revival settings I’ve described above are not about gifts or disciplines. As we have learned, spiritual disciplines are for all to exercise at any season of life. Spiritual gifts are sovereignly assigned and are normative, day in and day out. But revival is not normal, is not always, and neither are the results. Much of the time during revival there is greater power and presence of God, which means the disciplines are used more and the power behind the gifts is stronger. But revival is started and ended only by God.
These seasons are given to send us out and to sustain us over a lifetime. Don’t pair one experience with the other. Some revivals last days, some last years.
Should we pray for, ask for, and expectantly wait for God to move in revival? Absolutely. But if He says, “No,” or “Not yet,” that does not affect the gifts He has given or the disciplines He has modelled.
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Spiritual Gifts: POWER - Week 10
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 7, Luke 9:23-25, 1 Corinthians 13:1-3, Revelation 6:9-11, Acts 6:1-7;7:59-60;15:36-41
So welcome the second last week in our series on Spiritual gifts, Today we end with two last gifts, we tackle gift tension head on, we talk about the grace needed for us to keep going.
Celibacy: The gift of celibacy is the special ability that God gives to certain members of the Body of Christ to remain single and enjoy it; to be unmarried and not suffer undue sexual temptation. Though many of us do not have the gift, we are all called to the discipline of chastity and fasting, either by situation of life (we are not married) or if we are married, by an agreed time of mutually seeking God! Others of us have this gift and we can celebrate and find joy in this. Now why would any of us even be willing to do this? To deny what we want, what we are, to not fulfilled as a culture defines it? And the answer is simple, we love Jesus more than our own lives, rights, wants and desires no mater how strong.
Martyrdom: The gift of martyrdom is a special ability to undergo suffering for the faith even to death while constantly displaying a joyous and victorious attitude that brings glory to God! One example is what happened in the story of Stephen. Christians went on the run for their lives but as they did the good news of Jesus spread all the way from Jerusalem, to Judea, to Samaria into the Roman world all by this man death. God takes hate and death and brings life and forgiveness and will reward those that suffer for his name.
Gift Tension & Grace: Our spiritual gifts make us respond almost instinctively (or better, with supernatural, spiritual sensitivity) to a situation that places us in a position to alert or encourage others to take action even though they may not perceive the need in the way we do. Most of us are grace-filled when it comes to the love gifts and word gifts as a rule.But when it comes to the power gifts, the grace drops real quick. For example, if someone speaks in tongues, but don’t do it correctly within the community, the response by others is too often a quick “See? It’s just fake; it’s not real”—rather than asking, “How could we do this better?’” We assume there’s room to grow and learn in the use of the love and word gifts but often don’t extend that assumption to the power gifts. Those are assumed to be delivered “fully functioning,” when in fact, just like the other gifts, people with power gifts have to grow into their gifting.
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Spiritual Gifts: POWER - Week 9
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:7, 15:42; Revelation 21:4; John 5:19, 11:41-49; James 5:13-15
Sermon Description:
This week we will be continuing in our journey of understanding the Spiritual Gifts in "Power" category, focusing entirely on the gifts of Healing, Words of Knowledge & Words of Wisdom.
Healing: Those who have the gift of Healing experience a deep desire to see God alleviate physical problems in people and the willingness to be used by God to do so, an unusual ability to sense the power of God when it is present for healing, and the ability to trust God and believe that He wants to heal. You have the willingness to take risks for God… The principle of contagion probably applies here. Those who are around people operating in this type of healing ministry are likely to be drawn into it and be open to God releasing this gift in them so that they can release the healing to others. It is not about a show, it’s not about a big, dramatic display; it is about God healing people to either bring the person or others to Jesus in whose name the healing took place, or it is to heal followers of Jesus.
Words of Knowledge: The key idea in understanding this gift is that it functions like the gift of prophecy but not in a communal setting; it’s one on one. It is God giving a very direct word. But notice it is situational and prompting based, it’s a Power Gift. The word of knowledge functions when God gives you information about someone you have no direct access to any other way. The right exercise of this gift and the information God gives you always humbles, always helps, and never humiliates. It can bring healing to others, but never hurts them. So words of knowledge are similar to prophecy, but are directed to individuals.
Words of Wisdom: This gift is in action when God gives a situational word or a message acutely applicable in a moment that provides insight for people into the next steps of their spiritual journey. These are practical instructions like “go to this place” or “read this book.” Wisdom is knowledge applied, and in this case, every time the supernatural, situational word is given, you recognize it came from Jesus’ lips to you.
Series: Spiritual Gifts
Series Description:
Since we believe with all our hearts that Spiritual gifts are the only ongoing guaranteed place of power to serve from, we need to once again build the common script and understanding among all that make up C4 in this season.
As we step out together, we all need to discover, rediscover, rededicate and walk in a power that is not our own, to do the impossible in this context we find ourselves. When we start using and growing in our gifts we will experience the joy that comes from honouring God, serving others and knowing part of our purpose in this life, that will ripple into eternity!
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Spiritual Gifts: POWER - Week 8
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Speaker: Joel Penney
Scripture: Ephesians 4:11; 1 Corinthians 12:7-10, 14:3-4; Romans 12:6; Acts 21:8-11; 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Sermon Description:
This week we will be continuing in our journey of understanding the Spiritual Gifts in "Power" category, focusing entirely on the gift of Prophecy.
The gift of prophecy can be defined as the ability to deliver truth in a public context in either a predictive nature or as a situational word from God in order to correct believers by exhorting, edifying or consoling them, or to convince non-believer's of God's truth.
A person operating in this gift is deeply impressed that God has by his Spirit given him or her a message to deliver in the situation. The message may result in further insight into God's word, cause conviction of sin, bring reproof, provide comfort or a new sense of direction to the group.
There are, of course, two audiences: those who have (or may have) this gift, and the rest of us. Like all the Spiritual Gifts, we all need to know how each other's work. But especially this one, because it concerns us all when it's used properly. It's so easy to be skeptical, bitter and dismissive with prophecy, but we can't be!
Series: Spiritual Gifts
Series Description:
Since we believe with all our hearts that Spiritual gifts are the only ongoing guaranteed place of power to serve from, we need to once again build the common script and understanding among all that make up C4 in this season.
As we step out together, we all need to discover, rediscover, rededicate and walk in a power that is not our own, to do the impossible in this context we find ourselves. When we start using and growing in our gifts we will experience the joy that comes from honouring God, serving others and knowing part of our purpose in this life, that will ripple into eternity!
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
Spiritual Gifts: POWER - Week 7
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12, Acts 2
Sermon Description:
Tongues: It can be a known or unknown language, it is given to some but no all Christians, it can be used evangelistically, tongues can used to authenticate the addition of new people into God's church, tongues can be used for edification in small groups or worship, tongues can be used to worship God by singing in tongues, to pray for others, to be thankful, to give inner assurance of communion with God, an affirmation of personal presence of God in your life. This gift can bring joy, allows you to cry out to God over others when words do not come. You can deeply changed and moved by this gift.
Interpretation: Paul's language about tongues is I wish, I would like, it is not you will, you can, you must! His point here is that intelligible prophecy is better and is God’s will for corporate gatherings. And if you do speak in tongues in a small group or a public worship time then it must be interpreted in this example by another so everyone can understand.
Intercession: This is a gift of prayer. It is not in formal list in Scripture but it and other gifts are inferred in scripture and this is a very strong one we need to address for a moment. The gift of intercession is the special ability that God gives to certain members of the Body of Christ to pray for extended periods of time on a regular basis and see frequent and specific answers to their prayers, to a degree much greater than that which is expected of the average Christian.
Series: Spiritual Gifts
Series Description:
Since we believe with all our hearts that Spiritual gifts are the only ongoing guaranteed place of power to serve from, we need to once again build the common script and understanding among all that make up C4 in this season.
As we step out together, we all need to discover, rediscover, rededicate and walk in a power that is not our own, to do the impossible in this context we find ourselves. When we start using and growing in our gifts we will experience the joy that comes from honouring God, serving others and knowing part of our purpose in this life, that will ripple into eternity!
Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Spiritual Gifts: POWER - Week 6
Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12, Hebrews 11:6, Ephesians 2:8, Hebrews 5:14; 2:3, Acts 17:11, 1 John 4:1, James 4:7
Sermon Description:
This week we begin to learn together about the POWER gifts, starting with the gifts of Faith, Discernment of Spirits & Workings of Power through Miracles.
Faith: The spiritual gift of faith is not saving faith, or walking out our Christian faith in every day life. It a Spiritual gift. The gift of faith refers to the unusual capacity of a person to recognize in a given situation that God intends to do something and to trust God for it until He brings it to pass. The gift of faith is a Spirit-given ability to see something that God wants done and to sustain unwavering confidence that God will do it regardless of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
Discernment of Spirits: The gift of discerning of spirits is the special ability God gives to some members of the Body of Christ which enables them to know with assurance whether certain behaviour purported to be of God is in reality divine, human or-satanic. You will get a glimpse of the behind the scenes supernatural reality in a situation, either a mental picture or in reality, you see physical symptoms that lead you to know something is wrong. You will see or sense demons in people, areas, places or situations, you will know when something that looks Godly but is human and about pride.
Working of Power through Miracles: The gift of miracles is the special ability that God gives to certain members of the Body of Christ to serve as human intermediaries through whom it pleases God to perform powerful acts that are perceived by observers to have altered the ordinary course of nature. Again this is casting out demons, raising people from the dead, changing the course of nature but notice it is not physical healing, that is a different gift.
Series: Spiritual Gifts
Series Description:
Since we believe with all our hearts that Spiritual gifts are the only ongoing guaranteed place of power to serve from, we need to once again build the common script and understanding among all that make up C4 in this season.
As we step out together, we all need to discover, rediscover, rededicate and walk in a power that is not our own, to do the impossible in this context we find ourselves. When we start using and growing in our gifts we will experience the joy that comes from honouring God, serving others and knowing part of our purpose in this life, that will ripple into eternity!
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Spiritual Gifts: WORD - Week 5
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4:11, 2 Timothy 4:5, Romans 12:8
Sermon Description:
This week we follow up last weeks introduction to the Word Gifts by addressing those with the gift of Leadership/Ruling, Pastoring and Evangelism.
Leadership: A person operating with a ruling gift demonstrates the capacity to exercise influence over a group so as to lead it towards a goal or purpose with a particular emphasis on the capacity to make decisions and keep the group operating together. The gift of Leadership focuses more on the what and who and less on the how.
Pastoring: The pastoral gift is the capacity to exercise concern and care for members of a group so as to encourage them in their growth in Christ, which involves modelling maturity, protecting them from error and disseminating truth. The gift of pastor is the special ability that God give to certain members of the body of Christ to assume a long-term personal responsibility for the spiritual welfare of a group of believers.
Evangelism: this is the special ability in communication the Gospel message in relevant ways to unbelievers The gift of evangelism in general refers to the capacity to challenge people through various communicative methods (persuasion) to receive the Gospel of salvation m Christ so as to see them respond by taking initial steps in Christian discipleship.
Series: Spiritual Gifts
Series Description:
Since we believe with all our hearts that Spiritual gifts are the only ongoing guaranteed place of power to serve from, we need to once again build the common script and understanding among all that make up C4 in this season.
As we step out together, we all need to discover, rediscover, rededicate and walk in a power that is not our own, to do the impossible in this context we find ourselves. When we start using and growing in our gifts we will experience the joy that comes from honouring God, serving others and knowing part of our purpose in this life, that will ripple into eternity!
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Spiritual Gifts: WORD - Week 4
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4:11, 1 Timothy 4:16, Romans 12:8, 1 John 2:1, Acts 1:12-14
Sermon Description:
Teaching, exhortation, and apostleship are three of the word-oriented gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Teaching as a role that informs, trains, prepares, disciples, and equips.
Exhortation as a coming alongside with encouragement as well as confrontation if necessary, a gift that touches on the internal life of other followers of Jesus.
Apostleship which is a pure leadership and expansion gift, pushing boundaries and overcoming obstacles as the Church continues its God-given work under the Great Commission.
Series: Spiritual Gifts
Series Description:
Since we believe with all our hearts that Spiritual gifts are the only ongoing guaranteed place of power to serve from, we need to once again build the common script and understanding among all that make up C4 in this season.
As we step out together, we all need to discover, rediscover, rededicate and walk in a power that is not our own, to do the impossible in this context we find ourselves. When we start using and growing in our gifts we will experience the joy that comes from honouring God, serving others and knowing part of our purpose in this life, that will ripple into eternity!
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Spiritual Gifts: LOVE - Week 3
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12
Sermon Description: When it is a gift there is a greater ease, there is a frequency and power, there are great results, there is more joy, and worship and Jesus feels closer, it’s a supernatural sweet spot!
The Love gifts (Administration, Helps, Mercy & Giving) are key to the church working right and Love gifts are secondary in the sense that they are all about supporting, building up what God has and is establishing through the leadership of a local church. This again is not about value at all but role.
Series: Spiritual Gifts
Series Description:
Since we believe with all our hearts that Spiritual gifts are the only ongoing guaranteed place of power to serve from, we need to once again build the common script and understanding among all that make up C4 in this season.
As we step out together, we all need to discover, rediscover, rededicate and walk in a power that is not our own, to do the impossible in this context we find ourselves. When we start using and growing in our gifts we will experience the joy that comes from honouring God, serving others and knowing part of our purpose in this life, that will ripple into eternity!
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Spiritual Gifts: Character - Week 2
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12
Sermon Description: The spiritual gifts must access a place of every growing character, a deep deep reservoir of love. The gifts of the Spirit must be undergirded by the Fruit of the Holy Spirit which is first and foremost love. We all as Christians get at least one gift and the gifts are given for one thing and one thing alone the common good. To build up, to rebuke, to encourage, to challenge to bring life to the community! They are not given for rivalry or jealousy and they are given to be used, not to be hidden in fear or be suppressed for any reason.
Series Title: Spiritual Gifts
Series Description: Since we believe with all our hearts that Spiritual gifts are the only ongoing guaranteed place of power to serve from, we need to once again build the common script and understanding among all that make up C4 in this season.
As we step out together, we all need to discover, rediscover, rededicate and walk in a power that is not our own, to do the impossible in this context we find ourselves. When we start using and growing in our gifts we will experience the joy that comes from honouring God, serving others and knowing part of our purpose in this life, that will ripple into eternity!
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Spiritual Gifts: An Introduction Pt 1 - Week 1
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12
Sermon Description:We at C4 believe every Christ follower is called to impact those around them through loving, joyful, gift-based service. We know that when we give God glory there is joy, we know that when we work in the areas God has gifted us we experience such powerful joy and we know purpose is given when we serve in our God given assignments.
But what if you don't know your Spiritual gifts? Or what if you have never been able to identify them and learn from others that have the same gifts? And what about the ongoing problem we have as the greater church body with so many different understandings of the gifts and our experiences with them. In this ten-week series we are going to address all of these questions head on.
Series Title: Spiritual Gifts
Series Description:
Since we believe with all our hearts that Spiritual gifts are the only ongoing guaranteed place of power to serve from, we need to once again build the common script and understanding among all that make up C4 in this season.
As we step out together, we all need to discover, rediscover, rededicate and walk in a power that is not our own, to do the impossible in this context we find ourselves. When we start using and growing in our gifts we will experience the joy that comes from honouring God, serving others and knowing part of our purpose in this life, that will ripple into eternity!
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Fully Devoted: Engage in Mission - Vision
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture: Hebrews 12:14
Sermon Description: Always in January we take a small pause, a Sunday to stop and be reminded about what we are as a church, what we are becoming, what we are about to do and what the Holy Spirit might be saying to us in this very moment as we prepare to step out in this next major leg of our journey as a church.
We need to be reminded of what we are and where we are going. Vision lacks in the best of times and the busyness of life causes all of us to forget so we need this picture vividly painted before because of where we are about to go.
Series Title: Fully Devoted: Engage in Mission
Series Description: One of our discipleship dimensions here at C4 is Engage in Mission. Finding out what God is up to and getting involved. We join forces together when we use our time, talents and treasure to further the Kingdom of God. In order to do that, we need to look at what it means to submit them to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Fully Devoted: Engage in Mission - Giving & Generosity
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Speaker: Dave Adams
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 8:5
Description: We must never lose sight of the fact that God is a giver. God has shown us the example of how to give (John 3:16. When I give, I'm becoming more like God, I'm acting more like God. This means that I'm growing in Godly character. You can give without loving, but you can't love without giving!
Series Title: Fully Devoted: Engage in Mission
Series Description: One of our discipleship dimensions here at C4 is Engage in Mission. Finding out what God is up to and getting involved. We join forces together when we use our time, talents and treasure to further the Kingdom of God. In order to do that, we need to look at what it means to submit them to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Sunday Jan 06, 2019
Fully Devoted: Engage in Mission - Share the Work
Sunday Jan 06, 2019
Sunday Jan 06, 2019
Speaker: Dave Adams
Series Title: Fully Devoted: Engage in Mission
Series Description:
Sunday Dec 30, 2018
Sunday Dec 23, 2018
The Naughty List: Woven Into God's Family Week 3
Sunday Dec 23, 2018
Sunday Dec 23, 2018
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture:Matthew 1
Description: Matthew is saying yes Jesus family tree was mixed, the people around the Christmas moment are mixed and now the after effects are the same. God is stitching us as a human family back together through Jesus. Jesus is the only that can make this patchwork beautiful!
Series Title: The Genealogy of Jesus - Woven into God's family
Series Description: Jesus Christ, God with Us, was born into a family and woven into the fabric of humanity. His family tree is full of colourful characters - just like our own family trees. Some are beautiful, and some broken, yet all these branches were used to bring us to the moment when Heaven touched Earth and began to stitch us into the story. The Genealogy of Jesus - Woven into God's family.
Sunday Dec 16, 2018
Welcoming Jesus into the World: Woven into God's Family Week 2
Sunday Dec 16, 2018
Sunday Dec 16, 2018
Speaker: Joel Penney
Scripture:Matthew 1
Description: One of the last people mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus is Joseph—an average person who did an incredible thing: he welcomed Jesus into the world. With immediate obedience, Joseph shows us how we too can welcome Jesus into the world, and live knowing God is always with us.
Series Title: The Genealogy of Jesus - Woven into God's family
Series Description: Jesus Christ, God with Us, was born into a family and woven into the fabric of humanity. His family tree is full of colourful characters - just like our own family trees. Some are beautiful, and some broken, yet all these branches were used to bring us to the moment when Heaven touched Earth and began to stitch us into the story. The Genealogy of Jesus - Woven into God's family.
Sunday Dec 09, 2018
The Unexpected Family Tree: Woven into God's Family Week 1
Sunday Dec 09, 2018
Sunday Dec 09, 2018
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture:Matthew 1
Series Title: The Genealogy of Jesus - Woven into God's family
Series Description: Jesus Christ, God with Us, was born into a family and woven into the fabric of humanity. His family tree is full of colourful characters - just like our own family trees. Some are beautiful, and some broken, yet all these branches were used to bring us to the moment when Heaven touched Earth and began to stitch us into the story. The Genealogy of Jesus - Woven into God's family.