
Sunday Nov 18, 2018
Salt, Light and The Great Humbling - Daniel: Thriving in Exile Week 8
Sunday Nov 18, 2018
Sunday Nov 18, 2018
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture:Daniel 4:19-37
Description: Should we be hanging out with all sorts of people and not worry about what people think and say? This story in Daniel says yes - be salt and light. Association does not mean agreement, it means you are there to show them light. The only rule is if you cannot handle a person and situation because you might go back into sin then don’t. See how Daniel's presence over time humbled a King.
Series Title: Daniel: Thriving in Exile
Series Description: Free though locked in chains, wise in the age of folly, unflinching in the face of a lion, influencer of kings and kingdoms, steadfast through fiery trials, empowered by the spirit of God.
Version: 20241125