
Sunday Sep 25, 2016
How the Holy Spirit Gives Us Identity and Truth - Holy Spirit Week 2
Sunday Sep 25, 2016
Sunday Sep 25, 2016
Speaker: Jon Thompson
Scripture: Romans 7-8; 11 Corinthains 6:19-20; John 14:16-26
Description: Exegeting Romans 7-8; 11 Corinthains 6:19-20; John 14:16-26
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Series Title: Holy Spirit
Series Description: If we are going to live faithful Christian lives let alone step out and stand in a very different world, be love and give truth, we will need something not of this world, stronger than education, or background, or gift! We will need the Holy Spirit. Is It an it, he, force like Star Wars, then there is the Holy ghost, is he Casper? What does he do?
Version: 20241125